Sunday, October 18, 2015

Windmills @ Kinderdijk NL

View of a Windmill, from inside a Windmill !!!

My little dude.  Too cool for words ....

In typical fashion, Piper had to be caught for this photo.

Madurodam "Mini Village", The Hague NL

Tulip Fields

Lots of running through the villages, and water play in the FREEZING water.

The weather was very grey so the crowds stayed away, Jacob had the playground all to himself!!!

Kindra the giant!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Eersel to Postel Rally, October 2015

Great day for it. A nice 13 degrees C.  Horses frisky, riders excited, crowd elated.  Let's see how everyone feels after 28 kilometres.  Netherlands - Belgium - Netherlands
Kids loved watching the horses, until they saw the ice-cream shop ....

Even two teeny tiny horses participated, look through the photos to see if they made it all the way back ...

The judges, with the music band in the background

Kindra and I returned late afternoon, to watch the horses return.
The horses weren't so frisky by this time, many tired feet and faces!!

Nearly the whole population of Eersel came out to watch the weary horses return.

Some horses were BIG ...

others were BIGGER !!!!
A few were medium ...
and two were teeny.  And yes they made it the whole way (approx 28 kilometres) !!!!

This horse's mane was fluro white, beautiful.